Terms of Use

Terms of Use

The use of the masculine or feminine gender in these Terms of Use shall be construed as including both genders.

Online reservations shall be made under these Terms of use, as follows:

Visitors of this website who are interested in purchasing a vacation through the website declare and undertake to have read and confirmed these Terms of use.

Photos displayed on the website were taken from time to time and changes are applicable. In addition, the Company takes its best efforts to modify the photos to changes made. The Company or any person on its behalf will not bear liability for the server through which the website operates.

The website uses cookies. By browsing the website, the user authorizes the Company’s use of which.

Any dispute and/or conflict regarding these Terms of Use and/or the website, if any, will be settled in Israel, according to the laws of the State of Israel only and before the competent courts in Eilat only.

Online reservations

The Company is not liable, directly or indirectly, in the event that purchase details are not received in the system and/or for any technical problem and/or other problem preventing the user from purchasing services through the website.

The Company or anyone on its behalf will not be liable for any typing error in the reservation details made by the user.

Online reservations shall be made with a valid credit card, owned only by the client. It is clarified that the Company is not liable for illegal use of a credit card. The Company reserves the right to decline a reservation for any reason whatsoever.


It is clarified that promotions, benefits and collaborations done from time to time will not qualify for doubled discounts on the website.

There are no double promotions and discounts unless otherwise specified.

Changes and Cancellations of Reservations

Change and/or cancellation of a reservation shall be made only by phone at 0528666562.

Cancellations Policy

Cancellation of a reservation 30 days or more prior to the beginning of the rental period – full refund of rental fees.

Cancellation of a reservation 15-29 days before the beginning of the rental period – 35% of the rental fees will be charged.

Cancellation of a reservation 8-14 days before the beginning of the rental period – 65% of the rental fees will be charged.

Cancellation of a reservation less than 8 days before the beginning of the rental period – 100% of the rental fees will be charged.

Cancellation due to COVID: It is clarified that in the event of declared national lockdown and/or in case a guest is infected with COVID and isolation is required during the reservation, then and provided that a qualifying PCR test is presented, the then reservation may be canceled and fully refunded.
In case of a change of the date of the reservation, the cancellation date shall be calculated according to the original order.

Cancellation of a reservation by the Company: the Company may decline a reservation or cancel it, for any reason whatsoever – within four business days after the reservation is placed. If a reservation is canceled by the Company, a full refund of the amount paid by the client will be made through the means of payment used to place the reservation.

Cancellation of a transaction according to the Consumer Protection Regulations (Cancellation of Transaction), 5771-2010 and the Consumer Protection Law, 5741-1981 – a reservation may be canceled (according to the cancelation conditions) through the website or by phone – 0525866652, all subject to the cancellation conditions and provision of full identifying details of the reservation. 

Arrival/Departure hours

Check-in: From 15:00, as specified in the reservation confirmation.

Check-out: Until 11:00, as specified in the reservation confirmation.

Stay at the property will begin on the first day as specified in the reservation, from the Check-in hour until Check-out time on departure da.

Accommodation policy and instructions for use of the property (hereinafter: “House Rules”)

• Guests shall be solely liable for their use of facilities, the property and its vicinity.

• Guests shall be solely and exclusively liable for any damage caused to the property, its vicinity and facility due to unreasonable use.

• It is strictly forbidden to hold parties at the property and/or its premises.

• Inclusion and stay of additional visitors, beyond those confirmed in your booking is strictly forbidden.

• No pets allowed. Unless otherwise confirmed by the company in advance and in writing, the inclusion, entry and stay of pets in the property is forbidden.

• Removal of any equipment from the property is forbidden.

• Possession and/or use of drugs, weapons, flammable substances and anything considered dangerous to any in the property is strictly forbidden.
• The use of the property is allowed for residence only, thus any use for commercial purposes, parties, gambling and/or any illegal activity is forbidden.

• Please keep noise levels to a minimum and be mindful of occupants and neighbors. The use of speakers and causing noise is forbidden, as well as the possession and entry of any speakers in the property. In case of breach of noise restriction resulting in a fine, the fine will be imposed on the guest, in addition to all direct and indirect liability for any damage caused to the Company due to the noise.

• No smoking in the property but in designated smoking areas outside the property.

• During the stay, the guest will be exclusively responsible for use of the apartment, including its entire area and facilities, and the client will bear the entire liability deriving from such use. • It is forbidden to disconnect power cables and other connections from the TVs and cameras at the property.

• The making of a reservation qualifies as the client’s consent and approval that in case of damage, the credit card provided at booking will be charged for the entire damage, without derogating from the Company’s right to receive any remedy according to law. In this respect, the Company may realize the deposit provided thereto at the time of signature of this document.

• By prior arrangement with the client the Company may hold a cash deposit. The amount will be set by the Company and will be refunded at the end of the stay after the inspection of the property. • The client undertakes not to cause damage to the property, including the public areas, and undertakes that any damage due to action or default of the client and any on their behalf will be under the client’s sole liability who will bear all expenses in this respect.

• The client will indemnify the Company for any claim and/or expense against it caused by their stay at the property. The Company will not be liable for any direct or indirect damage caused to the client due to improper use of the property facilities.

• The client undertakes to check out at the time specified in the booking confirmation. Delayed departure may result in an immediate charge of NIS 500 of the total order cost.

• In case of breach of this policy, the Company may vacate the guest/s immediately from the property without refund. .


The price displayed on the website for vacation in Eilat is VAT excluded, according to the laws of the State of Israel. The price for other properties elsewhere in Israel does not include VAT.

Clients with foreign passports only may be eligible for VAT exemption upon arrival, subject to the presentation of a foreign passport and tourist visa. Holders of foreign passports and Israeli passports will pay VAT according to Israeli law.

Wherever set in USD, payable amounts will be calculated according to the USD exchange rate as determined by the Bank of Israel as of the payment date.

Reservation and accommodation of children and adolescents under 18 years of age is possible solely if accompanied by adults over 30 yr.

The Company reserves the right to refuse accommodation of any client below age 30 or collect a deposit according to its discretion.

The reservation price is calculated according to the number of guests arriving at the property. The number of guests must be entered according to the accommodation limitations of the property upon placement of reservation. An additional fee will be charged for any guest additional to the number of guests specified originally. Accommodation of guests beyond the property’s approved maximal number is strictly forbidden.

Ownership and Copyrights

Copyright in the website and any other module related to the website is solely owned by the Company.

Have a pleasant vacation!

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היי אלה מזמינה אותך להתעדכן בזמן אמת במבצעים והטבות שלנו דרך מועדון החברים של אלה​

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